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A place I would love to visit :)


 Since I was a child, I have always dreamed of traveling around the world and getting to know new places. But where I always wanted, and still want to travel, is Greece. This country is in southwest Europe and is one of the countries with the most culture, literature, and history; it is also known for being the cradle of the Olympic games.

Starting with the fact that I love Greek Mythology (actually I'm reading Percy Jackson books that show a lot of it, and I love them) and researching about it makes me love greek culture and architecture; especially the architecture of this place, because it is so iconic and unique. For example, the Parthenon temple in Athens is gorgeous, and I would be really happy taking pictures of it and in it.

I hope that in the future COVID-19 becomes just a memory, so I can travel to this place (and more) with my friends, enjoy discovering new cultures and history, saving memories with pictures and videos, and traveling all around the world :).

I hope you like it!


  1. Greek mythology is very interesting and Greece is a country with a lot of culture, I hope one day you will go!

  2. Greece looks very beautiful and the greek mythology is fantastic, i hope you can go someday!

  3. Take me with you please, I want to go too haha


  4. I love Greek mythology and its architecture is fascinating


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